
A.O. Jones Rapidplay 2014

By admin · 11-Aug-2024

The final event on the League calendar, the A.O. Jones Rapidplay tournament, was held on the 12th July at Briton Ferry Chess Club.

Winner: Jason Garcia 4½/5 (£20 prize)

2nd: Peter Bevan 3½/5 (£15 prize)

3rd: Philippe Rodgers 3½/5 (£10 prize)

Under 1400

Joint Winners: Paul Bevan, June Evans 3/5 (£5 prize each)

Under 1200

Three away tie 2/5: Eric Blackwell, Griff Davies, Janet Evans (£3.33 prize each)

(NB The annual report, available under the documents page, has been amended to include this tournament)