
AGM 2014

By admin · 11-Aug-2024

This year's AGM was a relatively low key affair but there were a few administrative decisions made.

a) Next season if a club has to nominate players for a second or third division team it only has to name two players in the relevant team or teams. The first division stays at three and the rule that no nominated player can "play down" also stands.

b) Home teams (any member), now have only 48 hours to inform the Grading Officer and Divisional Controller of a match result. This effectively rules out the postal system and means that they will have to be communicated verbally or by email or by using the match card on the web site.

c) As usual the KO Cup competition will be divided into three sections. Next season, however, the sections will an Open and an Under 1800, as last year, but the Under 1500 section will be replaced by an Under 1400 section.

d) The West Wales Closed Championship (E.J. Clarke) will be one all encompassing tournament with grading prizes for lower graded players. The intention is that the "Accelerated Swiss" system be used so as to keep high and low graded players apart as much as possible.

e) Following the WCU decision to increase its adult registration fee the meeting decided to pass this on to the membership. Adult fees are now £22 of which £12 goes to the WCU while Junior fees remain at £15 of which £7 goes to the WCU. Players joining for the first time or after a 5 year absence get the first year free.

The meeting also came to the opinion that the League should be spending more and that the membership should be canvassed on the best way to do this! So if you have any ideas drop an email to the secretary - wwcl@hotmail.co.uk

Finally - if you want a bit of history last season's consolidated Annual Report is now available on the Documents page.