
Emperors 3.5 vs Port Talbot 1.5

By admin · 13-Aug-2024

Outgraded - yes. Outplayed - no! Hywel set us on the way with a tremendous early win. When the 'h' file opened, he swept through, and his Bishop sacrifice on move 15 led to mate. Michael Beck had a loose middle game, resulting in a piece's loss through a pin. Wayne did well to draw, having doubled isolated pawns in front of his castled king. Good piece play compensated. My game woke up after I threw away a pawn in a drawn position in the last hour. My attack resulted in a bad Bishop vs. good Bishop endgame. Steve was last to finish, having R + P for B + N.His R & Q worked well together to finish Neil off. Roll on Nidum A!!!!

19/09/2014 12:00