
Fixture list published

By admin · 17-Aug-2024

The fixtures for the 2015-16 season have now been issued and are available on this website. The easiest way to see them is to click on the fixtures box on the right when all will be revealed on a separate tab. There are drop down boxes that allow the fixtures to be filtered by division,by team, by date or a combination of all three. The “fixture status” box only comes into play when matches are postponed or cancelled so it can be ignored. Click away to your heart’s content; you will not be changing anything. If you have any questions or queries please contact Ian Eustis, this year’s co-opted Fixtures Secretary ( http://wwcl.leaguerepublic.com/l/committee.html ).

The season kicks off on September 7th with the now traditional Lightning Tournament while a week later Champions Morriston A start the defense of their title by playing their B team. Other inter-club matches and regular fixtures follow a few days later. The first round of the West Wales Individual Championship takes place at Upper Killay on the 21st October and the annual West Wales Weekend Congress will be taking place on the weekend starting the 20th November. Looking further ahead to 2016 the KO Cup quarter finals are earmarked for the last week in January.

Other news related to this site is that a new feature has recently been added by LeagueRepublic. Previously whenever you clicked on a player’s name all you got was a one line summary of games played. LeagueRepublic have now added a feature which they call Game History. At this stage you will need to go into last season’s results to see how this works but you will find that in addition to the one line summary you will get a list of all that player’s games and are able to drill down to see the match in which each game was played.
