
Going Into The Christmas Break

By admin · 28-Aug-2024

It was the turn of the nominally lower ranked teams to fight it out in Division 1 in the week just gone. On the Tuesday Briton Ferry All Blacks sitting third from bottom travelled to Llanelli to face fourth placed White Knights B. The home team had the advantage in rating terms and it showed in the final score. 4-1 to the Knights who now have an equal match point score to that of third place Nidum. The All Blacks drop to second from bottom thanks to the result of the other match played which was between Morriston B away to White Knights C. A strong Morriston B dominated the top two boards but had to be content with draws on the bottom three. A 1½-3½ result in favour of the Morriston team saw them leapfrog both the All Blacks and White Knights C and go into the Christmas break in fifth place. White Knights C drop to third from bottom.

Division 2 saw two interclub matches. In the first De la Beche University was paired against top of the Division De la Beche A with predictable results. 5-0 to the A team to make it 6 wins in a row and cement their position at the top. The opposition have a lot of catching up to do.

The second match was the return bout between Morriston D at home to Morriston C. Their previous encounter had ended with the D team taking the plaudits but they were not so successful this time round. A 4-1 victory to the C team with only draws from Daniel and Joel Chung stopping the whitewash.

In Division 3 fourth placed Tribunes played host to third placed Upper Killay Harriers. The Harriers, however, fielded the stronger team and emerged comfortable 4-1 winners. The other Division 3 match featured De la Beche C who were up against a Morriston team for the second time in a row. Their previous outing saw them loose out to Morriston E but this time, against Morriston F, the scores were reversed. The 1½-3½ score in favour of De la Beche C was good enough to make them division leaders above De la Beche B who have a few matches in hand.

The League now has a two week break before starting back on January 7th.
