
Just Four Matches

By admin · 30-Aug-2024

With the West Wales Individual Championship taking place this last week there was very little action in the team competitions. Indeed no matches at all in Division 1, just one match in Division 2 and three matches in Division 3.

The match in Division 2 was a home match for Morriston D against De la Beche C. Only a draw from Gary Harber against Daniel Chung saved the whitewash for the Sketty team and Morriston D had a comfortable 4½-½ win. It took them to the top of the table. A bottom board default by De la Beche C did not help their cause and as they have already accumulated 3 defaults they will soon be into penalty point terrority.

In Division 3 Tribunes took on bottom of the table Morriston G and won 3½-1½. One of the Tribunes game points came from a Morriston default, a default that took their total to 4 and gave them a -1 point penalty. The win for Tribunes means that they have not, so far, dropped a point and as a consequence are sitting pretty at the top of the table. Close on their heels Morriston F overwhelmed De la Beche E 5-0 and boosted themselves above BF Giants into second spot. In the final match of the week Harriers took only 4 players to Llanelli to play St Michael’s school. It was more than enough, however, and they came away 3½-1½ winners.
