
Last Minute Changes

By admin · 12-Aug-2024

As members of the League are poised for the first matches of the season a few last minute changes have been introduced.

Top of the list is the unfortunate news that Nidum Liberals are pulling their B team out of Division 1 due to a shortfall in available players. Promotion of a Division 2 team to take their place has been dismissed as undesirable at this stage so Division 1 will run with 9 teams and a total of just 16 fixtures per team.

The perennial problem with venues has also raised its head. We already knew that Castell-Nedd had moved to the Tonna Rugby Club and Port Talbot to the Taibach Rugby Club. Woodman B, however, are now the latest club forced into a shift in premises. They have been obliged to leave the Woodman Inn and will now be playing in the Senior Citizen's Hut in De La Beche Park. Access will be from Parkview Terrace (postcode SA2 9AN for those who use Google or a sat nav) and is via a small pedestrian gate. Parking could be a bit of a problem as there is a lot of "Residents Only" parking in the area. Apparently, however, you can park on the single yellow lines after 6 p.m. and Sketty Surgery car park on De La Beche Road, at the bottom of Cory Street, is available after 7 p.m. and is just 3 minutes walk away. With the link to the Woodman Inn broken it remains to be seen if a change of club name is in the offing.

The final piece of news is that two Morriston teams have switched captains. Ian Eustis will now captain Morriston B and Les Philpin will captain Morriston C - it was the other way around. Morriston have had a couple of past members rejoin and it is thought that both the A & B teams will be a bit stronger than expected.

07/09/2014 13:43