
Leaders March On

By admin · 21-Aug-2024

The two top teams in Division 1 took on the two bottom teams and unsurprisingly the top teams won. However, Nidum, who were at home to Morriston B, were not given an easy passage and had to be content with scrapping though by the odd game point. The match points will be welcome but the 3-2 score line does not help Nidum’s game point score.

White Knights A had little trouble in their inter-club tussle against their C team and only a draw from Malcolm Probert stopped the A team taking all the games. 4½-½ to the A team.

It was a similar story in Division 2. Top of the table Swansea University struggled slightly against De la Beche A but managed, by the end of proceedings, to triumph 3-2.

Second placed Bluebell, however, made it look easy against bottom of the table Merlins. 4½-½ to Bluebell with Ralph Cook getting Merlin’s only consolation half point. The University and Bluebell meet this coming Wednesday (22nd February) with Bluebell needing to win just to keep in touch with the leaders. A win for the University would put the trophy almost within touching distance.

In Division 3 bottom placed UK Hawks played host to third placed Tribunes. Unfortunately Tribunes’ board 4 failed to show and although they impressed with two wins and a draw Alan Bean’s excellent board 1 win for the Hawks was enough to give the home team the draw. Tribunes chances of catching the two Morriston teams now seem to be receding and it is looking more and more likely that one of the Morriston teams will triumph.

Second placed Morriston E welcomed De la Beche B to Glais but in truth were not too hospitable. No doubt buoyed by the 4-1 thrashing they gave their D team compatriots they were obviously on a roll and in no mood to ease up. Their 3½-1½ win moves them above Morriston D and with less than a handful of matches still to be played it will probably be a case of who blinks first.

The West Wales Championship grinds slowly along with one rearranged match played last week. Bill Flew had a win against Norman Speak at Upper Killay and now has 2 out of 3 and a position in the top half of the table. Three games are still to be played before the fourth round draw can be made.
