
League Competitions Suspended

By admin · 30-Aug-2024

Following the recent increase of COVID-19 cases in Wales the Executive Committee has been considering the options. The committee is mindful that our population of players contain a disproportionate number of people in the at-risk groups, or indeed with family and other contacts in the at-risk groups. Accordingly, it has been decided that the only responsible course of action is to suspend all chess activity. All competitions will be suspended with effect from Monday 16th March 2020. It is thought unlikely that competitions will be resumed before the autumn.

Depending on when the League is able to resume, the resumption may take different forms. Completing the remaining matches or cancelling the rest of the season and going straight into the 2020/21 season are two possibilities but there will undoubtedly be consultation on the various options at a later date.

A decision on whether to hold the League's AGM in June or rearrange to a later date will depend on the situation at the time.
