
League Resumption and Quickplay Tournament

By admin · 31-Aug-2024

At the WWCL committee meeting held on Monday 4th October 2021 it was decided that the League would plan for the resumption of over the board chess. With this in mind all clubs now need to decide on the number of teams they wish to enter in the League on the assumption that matches will start in January. This information must be given to the League Secretary (sampritchard42@yahoo.co.uk) by the 1st December 2021. Some discussion also took place at the meeting regarding WWCL fees for this season. The Treasurer has confirmed that WWCL fees can be waived for the season 2021-22 but that there is, however, a caveat. To become a member of the League a player must, under the constitution, also be a member of the Welsh Chess Union (WCU). It is understood that the WCU will not be waiving fees and as a consequence these must be paid.

In the meantime the White Knights Chess Club will be holding a Quickplay tournament at the Conservative Club in Llanelli starting at 7:15pm on Wednesday 20th October 2021. It is open to all League members and entry is free. It is being organised as a 5 round Swiss tournament with each player given 15 minutes for all their moves in each game. The event is restricted to 20 players so entrance will be on a first come basis and your place will need to be booked in advance and confirmed by Jason Garcia. If you are interested in taking part please email Jason at Jasongarcia1000@yahoo.co.uk or telephone him on 07792 015416.

Covid restrictions still apply and players will need to comply with the requirements of the club’s approved risk assessment. These are outlined below: Prior to attending this event all entrants will need to confirm in writing the following:

  • They have had both of their vaccines at least 14 days ahead of the event.
  • If they have not had both vaccines then they must have had a negative Covid 19 test within 72 hours of attending the venue.
  • They are symptom free.
  • They have not been identified as a close contact of anyone who has had a positive Covid 19 test. If they have been identified as a close contact but have received both vaccines and are not showing any symptoms they could attend the event as long as they have also received a negative test result.
  • Mask wearing is mandatory for all people attending this event and masks will need to be worn at all times. If an individual is unable to confirm that they can comply with these requirements then unfortunately they will not be able to enter the event. If anyone has any questions relating to this please get in touch with Jason.
