
Lightning Tournament Results

By admin · 27-Aug-2024

The annual lightning tournament that traditionally marks the beginning of the new season took place at the Morriston Rugby Club, the new home of Morriston Chess Club on Monday 3rd September.

Eighteen players took part. Thirteen from the Morriston Club.

Peter Bevan’s draw with Bill Hewitt in the last round was enough win the tournament out right with 4.5/5 after Bill had earlier drawn with Mike Burrows.

Peter Bevan 4.5/5

W Hewitt and M McCarthy 4/5

M Burrows 3.5/5

A Smith, A Young, B Mora, S Denton and D Chung 3/5

(Daniel and Sean both share the under 1500 trophy

I Jones, J Spooner, Paul Bevan, E Collins, J Chung and J Ward 2/5

A Goodchild and D Conway 1/5

Janet Evans 0/5
