
Nidum lose to White Knights C

By admin · 18-Aug-2024

In Division 1 BF Nidum travelled to Llanelli to meet White Knights C knowing that the last time they met they had a comfortable 4-1 win. However, a full strength White Knights C team had no intention of rolling over and with wins for the Knights on boards 2 and 5, coupled with draws on 3 and 4, they emerged the eventual winners. The 3-2 defeat for Nidum means that they have now dropped 6 points and their chances of regaining the Division 1 title (last won in 2012-13) look extremely unlikely.

On the same night that the White Knights C team were victorious over Nidum, White Knights A hosted Morriston C who turned up one short. Only a hard fought draw between Alan Young and Andrew Smith stopped White Knights A from whitewashing the struggling opposition. The 4½-½ win for White Knights A means that they have still only dropped one match point all season - the best record across both divisions.

The other Division 1 match of the week was between BF Brunel and Morriston A. For their second match in a row Morriston A were without their three top players and it was left to a B team lookalike to take on Brunel. Two wins and three draws gave Morriston A the victory (1½-3½). Morriston A remain top of the division although White Knights A, with a match in hand, are breathing down their necks.

After last week’s matches only four points separate the top five teams in Division 2. BF Giants notched up their third win in a row with a 3-2 win away to Morriston D while White Knights D almost whitewashed CN Tribunes with only a top board draw between Huw Jones and Michael Beck giving Tribunes half a point. It was a similar story when Morriston E travelled to Neath to play BF Bluebell - a top board draw but all the other games going the way of Bluebell. On the Wednesday White Knights E were away to UK Merlins. The Knights were one short so it was always going to be an uphill struggle and so it proved. 3½-1½ to Merlins, a result that boosts Merlins into second place above White Knights E. The final Division 2 match saw Harriers win for the first time since the end of October. This in spite of traveling to De la Beche’s new West Cross venue one player short. The final score 3-2 keeps them 3rd from bottom just above De la Beche.

Bluebell now top Division 2. They are 1 point ahead of Merlins and also have a match in hand so this week’s clash between these two could be critical. Merlins won the last encounter and if they have any aspirations regarding the title they will need to win this one also. White Knights E, however, have now dropped 11 points and now look to be out of the race. Giants and White Knights D in fourth and fifth place respectively are both still in with a shout if results go their way.
