
Nidum win Division 1, University win Division 2 and Morriston E

By admin · 22-Aug-2024


The League competition ended this past week and although the winners in each division were known some time ago it was not until the last few matches that the teams being relegated were identified.

In Division 1 the match on Tuesday saw Morriston B defeated 2-3 at home to White Knights B. The result left Morriston B on 8 match points (after a penalty point deduction) and with 31 game points. It meant that relegation would be decided when White Knights C played host to CN Emperors. The Executive Committee had their fingers crossed that one team or the other would get the win as a draw would leave both the Emperors and White Knights C on the same match and game points as Morriston B and result in a three way tie for bottom place - a conundrum that would leave the committee scouring the rule book for a solution. In the event they need not have worried as a shorthanded Emperors team only just managed to avoid the whitewash thanks to a draw on the top board. The result means that the Emperors are relegated and will be playing in Division 2 next season. In what was something of an anti-climax the very last match in the Division featured White Knights A v Morriston A. With nothing at stake the Knights fielded, for them, an under strength team while Morriston turned up 1 player short. The 1½-3½ result in favour of Morriston gave them their first victory of the season over the Knights but made no difference to the final rankings.

The relegation battle in Division 2 was settled when Merlins travelled to Neath needing a win if they were to stay in the Division. The unexpected did not happen, however, and the 4-1 win by hosts Bluebell will see Merlins playing in Division 3 next season. In the other matches the University made light work of demolishing Morriston C with only a surprise top board draw saving Morriston’s blushes while the following night De la Beche A and White Knights D closed down the division when the Knights defeated the Sketty based team 1-4 away.

The last match in Division 3 was an inter-club affair between Upper Killay Harriers and Hawks. The 3½-1½ win for Harriers moved them above CN Tribunes and they finished in a credible third place. Hawks ended the season more or less where they started - on the bottom.

Individual Championship (E.J. Clarke)

Two of the remaining games in round 4 of the individual championship were played last week. Andrew Smith defeated Neil Stuart while June Evans beat Norman Speak. The only game outstanding is that between Ralph Cook and Peter Bevan and that will take place when Peter returns from his adventures in the World Seniors Championships in Crete.

The final round is scheduled for Tuesday 9th May at the Morriston Chess Club - not the 8th May as given in the League Yearbook.
