
No Surprises This Week

By admin · 30-Aug-2024

Two matches in Division 1, both featuring a White Knights team. The A team travelled to Sketty where they played De la Beche A. De la Beche fielded their strongest team so far this season with Valid Stejeroiu on board 1 and Chris Price on board 2. It was to little avail, however, as despite them both drawing the rest of the team was overwhelmed. Another 4-1 victory for White Knights A. White Knights C hosted Morriston B on the same night and had a slightly tougher time of it although they emerged 3-2 winners. There were two draws with Chris Daniel reporting that the Knights were fortuitous on board 3 as Andrew Smith had a winning position when he offered a draw (which Nigel had no hesitation in accepting). Malcolm Probert went into the endgame a pawn up but was out manoeuvred by his younger opponent, Daniel Chung, who displayed a better endgame technique. Daniel has now won all three of his League matches this season, all against nominally stronger opponents, so he is obviously one to watch. Boards 1 & 2 were quickplay finishes with the Morriston players being severely worse on the clock; Tomasz was material up and winning so Duncan was unable to claim a draw while on board 1 Phillip Pe was a pawn up but with a lot of play on the board lost on time as Keith continued to make a nuisance of himself on the board.

Just the one match in Division 2 and it was an interclub tussle between Morriston E and Morriston C. No shock result this time and as might be expected the C team had a comfortable victory 3½-1½.

All the Division 3 teams were in action so four matches. CN Tribunes played UK Harriers at Upper Killay and came away with the win 3½-1½. They have now won their first 3 matches.

The following night St Michael’s School were away to De la Beche E. Both teams defaulted the bottom board but it was all one way traffic with De la Beche winning 4-0. The same night BF Brunel had little difficult against Morriston F, winning 4-1. Excellent draws by Joseph Cura and Leighton Anthony against higher rated opponents gave the away team some comfort.

The final match of the week was between a young Morriston G team against a less than young De la Beche D. Experience told in the end with De la Beche winning 4½-½
