
Season gets going

By admin · 11-Aug-2024

The 1st September marked the official start to the 2014-15 season which got underway with the now traditional Lightning Tournament. It was held at The Coopers Arms in Plasmarl, home venue for the Morriston Chess Club, and was ably controlled by Ian Eustis our League Chairman. It is high speed chess where players take it in turn to make their move every time a gong sounds - which it does every 10 seconds. Checks need not be announced and kings may be captured to end the game. This format can result in some entertaining chess and an occasional strange outcome as the playing field between the best and the rest is leveled by the reduced thinking time. In the end, however, class usually tells and it was no surprise to see that the competition was won by FM Carl Strugnell.

Full results were:

Winner: Carl Strugnell: 5/5

Runner Up: Richard Cleveland: 4/5

The Rest

Andrew Thomas, Jason Garcia, Peter Bevan, Philippe Rodgers, Ralph Cook: 3/5

Albert Easton, Dave Conway, Joe Spooner, John Ward, Les Philpin: 2/5

Ian Dyer: 1/5

Janet Evans: 0/5