
Surprise surprise

By admin · 16-Aug-2024

The surprise of the week was the news that the original A.O. Jones Trophy awarded to the winner of the annual Rapidplay tournament has been discovered hidden away at the Ford Social Club. It had not been handed out since the year 2000 and there is currently no space for additional names. It needed a good polish !

The League got back into gear last week with 3 first division matches and 4 in the second division. The first game of the week saw Morriston B play host to leaders White Knights A. Morriston fielded probably the strongest team they could no doubt hoping to deny White Knights a few game points. No such luck, however, and White Knights went home 4½-½ winners. The following night CN Emperors faced Morriston A for the third time this season but without any more success than the two previous occasions. A 1-4 result in favour of Morriston with Emperors' only game point courtesy of a board 3 default. On the same night BF Brunel travelled to Llanelli to meet White Knights B in a match that resulted in Brunel's ninth straight defeat. The unusual 3-1 score line a result of a double default on bottom board. The League positions remained unchanged with White Knights A and Morriston A sitting at the top with 20 match points each.

In Division 2 the bottom of the table clash went the way of Woodman B - Woodman B 3½ - UK Hawks 1½. On the same night White Knights E turned up a player short to play Morriston D. Defeats on boards 1 and 4 gave White Knights the moral victory on the night and were it not for the default point giving Morriston the draw they may well have faced their sixth defeat of the season. On the Wednesday title contenders UK Merlins faced an in-form BF Giants team that had not lost a match since the beginning of November. Merlins, however, proved the stronger and made it look easy with a 3½-1½ victory, keeping them in touch with leaders Morriston C. The final match of the week saw Woodman A field possibly their strongest team of the season only to find White Knights D cancel them out. A draw thanks to White Knights middle boards.
