Swansea University Join the League
After a long long absence Swansea University have officially rejoined the League. They were elected to membership at the AGM on Thursday 16th June and the likely strength of their team has encouraged the Committee to put them into Division 2 where it is expected that they will make an impact.
The AGM also saw some other changes. The main one is a change to the divisional structure with a rule amendment resulting in Division 1 being reduced to just seven teams. In a follow up meeting the Executive Committee decided to divide the remaining thirteen teams between two divisions with Division 2 containing seven teams and Division 3 holding the remainder. In each division teams will be playing each other three times.
The only other significant change involved nominations. Clubs with more than one team are now required to submit their list of nominated players at least three days before any of their teams plays its first match although there is some flexibility for change should player availability change during the first four weeks.
Post AGM the Executive Committee has undergone a rearrangement. The vacant position of Secretary has been filled by Bill Hewitt who has passed his roles of Division 1 Controller and KO Cup Controller onto Andrew Smith (co-opted) and Les Philpin respectively. A new face on the Committee at last! Janet Evans has been co-opted as the Division 3 Controller with Bill Hewitt taking over the role of organising the annual Rapidplay tournament.
Other news is that next season’s fixtures are now online and the Document section has been brought up to date. Team competition rules, fixtures, the minutes of the 2016 AGM and the latest grades can all be downloaded at http://wwcl.leaguerepublic.com/l/documents.html