
University A Storm into KO Cup Final

By admin · 25-Aug-2024

The second semi-final in the open section of the KO competition for the Stan Fortt Memorial Cup took place this week. First division side Swansea University A were at home to second division Castell-Nedd Emperors and with wins for the University on boards 1, 3 and 4 and just the one loss on board 2 there was no dispute as to the victors. The University will now meet last year’s winners White Knights A in the final on May 14th.

There was no action at all in Division 1 and just two matches in Division 2 but three in Division 3.

With their normal home venue unavailable Morriston C moved their match against White Knights D to the Senior Citizen Pavilion in Glais. Unfortunately not all of the White Knights players were aware of the change and they ended up a player short. It made little difference to the final result with the Knights going home the victors by 4-1. White Knights D are now level with the Emperors on 17 match points with both just 3 points below Morriston B.

The middle of the table clash between University B and BF Giants resulted in yet another victory for the University. Three wins and two draws saw them improve slightly on their previous encounter and the 4-1 win leapfrogs them above the Giants into fourth place.

In Division 3 Morriston E earned a hard fought victory away to third placed Harriers. Two wins and two draws across the boards left the score at 2-3 in favour of Morriston E and took them into fourth place above Tribunes, thanks to having played more matches and having a bigger game point score.

Hawks travelled just down the road to Sketty for their match against De la Beche C. They were one board short and undoubtedly relieved that they still ended up the victors 3-2 and moved above De la Beche C in the table.

BF Brunel were up against Morriston F in the last match of the week and were looking to hold onto their 100% record. They conceded two draws on the top two boards but wins on the bottom three gave them a comfortable looking 4-1 victory and they now have 10 wins from 10 matches. De la Beche B languish 6 points behind but with a match in hand and a good number of matches still to play Brunel are still not cast iron certainties to take the division title.
