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By Hywel Griffiths · 15-Aug-2024

The second half of the season got underway with eight matches played this week

Division 1 re-started on the Monday with a relatively weak Morriston A managing a 3½-1½ win against their B team. Not as impressive as it might have been but enough to keep them top of the division. The B team continue to flounder with only 1 win and 1 draw from seven matches. The following day White Knights B defeated Port Talbot 4-1 helped by a bottom board default. With 3 defaults against them Port Talbot will be moving into penalty point territory should they default another game. Wednesday saw White Knights C play host to their A team with the same result as last time; 5-0 to the A team. White Knights A now have more game points than leaders Morriston A but continue to lag by two match points. The final Division 1 match between BF Brunel and CN Emperors went the way of the Emperors 2-3 who now move into an impressive fourth place in the table. It also means that Brunel have not gained a point since their remarkable win against Nidum seven matches ago!

In Division 2 Woodman A, away to their B team, won 1½-3½ and move into second place, albeit having played an extra couple of matches. On the Tuesday an heavily out graded CN Tribunes lost 1½-3½ to BF Giants who now leapfrog into fourth place. The inter-club match between UK Harriers and Hawks on the Wednesday was a close run event with Harriers scraping through 3-2, while the final match of the week saw an unusually strong Morriston D travel to Llanelli to face White Knights E and despite a top board defeat come away winners 1-4.
