
Welcome Back 2018

By admin · 28-Aug-2024

The first week back after the Christmas break could not have been busier for Division 1. On the Monday a fairly strong Morriston B side took on a slightly stronger White Knights B. The only decisive results, however, were on boards 3 and 5 with a win apiece. The other three boards were drawn and so both teams emerged with a match point each.

The following night Morriston A travelled to Tonna to play the Emperors. Although out graded on every board the Emperors put up a strong resistance and with two excellent wins on boards 3 & 4 the Emperors only just failed to surprise the Morriston team. In the end, however, wins on the other three boards allowed the Morriston team to just muddle through. 2-3 in favour of Morriston A.

On the Wednesday it was an interclub match between leaders White Knights A and their compatriots in White Knights C. The only surprise in this match was that the C team were not completely overwhelmed with 3 individual draws allowing them to hold the A team to 3½-1½.

The White Knights club were obviously on a bit of a role and on the Thursday they brought forward their interclub match between their B and C teams, although the C team did default their bottom board (the first default in this division , this season). A comfortable win 4-1 for the B team with draws on boards 3 and 4 stopping the whitewash.

That same night there was another interclub match, this time between Nidum and All Blacks. Uncertainty regarding the availability of the Neath Rugby Club venue has resulted in both teams’ matches being moved to the Briton Ferry Constitutional club and so this match was brought forward from the following week. As expected Nidum had no real problems in securing the win and only a surprise win by Roger Jenkins on board 5 stopped a total annihilation. 4-1 to Nidum.

Relative positions in the table remain largely unchanged. The one exception is that White Knights B leapfrog Nidum thanks to the extra point gained from their draw with Morriston B.

In contrast to Division 1, Divisions 2 and 3 were very quiet with just one match each. On Thursday the runaway leaders in Division 2, De la Beche A, played host to Briton Ferry Giants. Not quite lambs to the slaughter but pretty close. 4-1 to the De la Beche side with only a couple of draws avoiding total embarrassment for the Briton Ferry team. De la Beche A have yet to lose a match and currently look unstoppable.

On Friday it was the turn of De la Beche B to show why they are favourites for the division 3 title. They obviously felt at home in the Senior Citizen’s Pavilion in Glais when they travelled there to play the youngsters of Morriston G (Tony Goodchild excepted!) and showed the opposition little mercy. The 4½-½ result in their favour allowed them to maintain their 100% record with 6 wins from 6 matches and in addition took them to the top of the table above De la Beche C.