
West Wales Closed Championship - Third Round Results

By admin · 29-Aug-2024

The third round of the West Wales Closed Championship (E.J. Clarke Trophy) was played at the Morriston Chess Club on Monday 4th February.

Results were:

Peter Bevan (2) 0 v 1 Moss McCarthy (2)

Greg Goold (1½) 0 v 1 Ian Jones (1½)

Phillip Pe (1½) 1 v 0 Joel Chung (1½)

Norman Speak (1½) 0 v 1 Neil Stuart (1½)

Andrew Smith (1½) ½ v ½ Steve Edwards (1)

Ralph Cook (1) 1 v 0 Leighton Anthony (1)

Les Philpin (1) 1 v 0 Steve Lockley (1)

Janet Evans (1) 0 v 1 John Davies (1)

Daniel Chung (½) 0 v 1 Joe Spooner (0)

June Evans (0) 0 v 1 Dennis Thomas (0)

Still to be played Eleanor Collins (½) v Tony Goodchild (½) Paul Bevan (½) v Lyndon Todd (½)

Moss McCarthy remains on 100% with 3 from 3 while Ian Jones, Phillip Pe and Neil Stuart are close behind on 2½/3.

KO Cup

There were a number of matches in the various cup competitions held last week.

In the Open section for the Stan Fortt trophy White Knights A overwhelmed Castell Nedd Emperors winning 4 boards to 0. The Knights go into the final where they will play either Nidum or De la Beche whose match was postponed due to the weather.

White Knights were also successful in the major section (Richard E Jones Cup). In the only match played in this section they drew with Merlins but after the two bottom boards were discounted they emerged the winners.

In the Minor section for the A.D. Nicholson Shield there were two matches played. Morriston F drew with De la Beche with De la Beche being declared the winners, once again thanks to the bottom board being discounted. In the other match St Michael’s School had an excellent 2½-1½ win over Upper Killay Harriers.

With so many matches postponed it is unclear when exactly the organiser, Les Philpin, will be in a position to make the draw for the next round.
