
White Knights A 3½ CN Emperors 1½

By admin · 17-Aug-2024

Bd1 was the first to finish when Jason broke through in a very blocked English. Bd5 was a draw practically down to bare kings in a rook ending where David blundered at the end. There was some confusion as to the result, but as Martyn wrote 0.5 - 0.5 on the scorecard I presume that was the result! I won on bd2 v Hywel on move 42. Keith was a pawn down in an ending v Wayne. Wayne certainly had strong winning chances as he had an outside passed pawn. However, Wayne blundered and resigned as he thought Keith was winning, when in fact, it probably would have been a draw. Last to finish was bd3 where Steve Smith won v Adam with 7 seconds remaining on his clock.
