
Whiteknights A 3 Nidum 2

By Hywel Griffiths · 14-Aug-2024

The usual close match, but the match was decided with only 4 seconds of the possible time remaining. White Knights took the lead on board 2 when Bob dropped a piece early on in a caro kann. Board 1 was a 24 move caro kann, a draw. Gareth played an excellent game to level the match beating Gerry in a nimzo-indian with a nice finish. On board 4 Alan was a pawn up but Adam had some pressure for it. Both players declined draws as did David on board 5. Eventually the board 4 game was agreed drawn, leaving the score 2-2 with 1 game left. David found a tactic to win the exchange but gave it back a couple of moves later remaining a pawn up and ahead on time, 5 mins to 3. The game ended up in a rook and pawn ending which David won, having 4 seconds left when Matthew lost on time. David was winning at that point, but in the time scramble, it could have gone either way.
