
Annual General Meeting 2022

By admin · 31-Aug-2024

The 83rd annual general meeting in what was the League's 90th year was duly held at the Morriston Chess Club on the 27th June 2022.

It turned out to be possibly the shortest AGM in the League's history. The Covid pandemic had resulted in the 2019-20 season being curtailed and competitions for that season being abandoned. The 2020-21 season did not get off the ground while the 2021-22 season consisted of just a short Division 1 competition coupled with the playing of the AO Jones Rapidplay tournament organised by the enthusiastic Bill Hewiit.

Before the meeting got underway those assembled stood in memory of Alan Rosser, Joe Spooner, Lyndon Todd and John Porter, members who had passed away since the last AGM.

Apologies for absence were then received from Peter Bevan and Darson Beeston. Peter was involved in a nasty accident from which he is still recovering and the assembled gathering sent him their best wishes.

The Secretary presented the minutes of the last AGM held in 2019 and these were taken as read with no follow up queries.

A report summarising the state of play when the season was abandoned in March 2020 and also including the results of the short 2021-22 competion and the state of the League's finances was presented by the Treasurer.

The position of Vice-President to the Welsh Chess Union was next decided. Jason Garcia was the present incumbent but as he is now an office holder in the WCU he was no longer eligble under WCU rules. Maurice McCarthy volunteered to step in and was duly elected.

Two resolutions were put in front of the AGM for consideration.

THe first to be discussed was whether there should be at least two divisions next season. There was universal agreement that this needed to be the case due to the wide variation in playing ability.

The second resolution concerned time controls and whether the League should adopt controls with an incremental element, thereby doing away with quickplay finishes. In general there was agreement that this was the way to go although as it required the use of digital clocks it may not be possible for all clubs to adopt. The chairman suggested that the implementation of this system be decided upon at the next executive meeting and this was accepted without argument.

The election of the respresentives to some of the WCU committees resulted in the following:

Bill Hewitt :- Management, Selection, and International Committees

Ian Eustis:- Home Committee

Nick Evans:- Junior Committee

Sam Pritchard:- Development Committee

The permanent members of the Executive Committee were then elected as follows

President : Ralph Cook

Chairman: Ian Eustis

Secretary: Sam Pritchard

Treasurer: Albert Easton

The meeting closed with the Chairman announcing that there would be an Executive Committee meeting on the 4th July 2022 and that clubs needed to make sure that they sent a representative.
