
Ian Jones Crowned West Wales Champion

By admin · 26-Aug-2024

As the season slowly comes to an end this week saw the final round of the West Wales Closed Championship

The final round of the West Wales Closed Championship where participants battle for the E.J. Clarke Trophy took place on Wednesday the 9th May at Upper Killay Chess Club. The results were as follows:

Ian Jones ½ v ½ Andrew Smith

Peter Bevan 1 v 0 Paul Bevan

David Toner 0 v 1 Moss McCarthy

Bill Flew 1 v 0 John Davies

Joel Chung 1 v 0 Sean Denton

Tony Goodchild 1 v 0 Daniel Chung

Joe Spooner 1 v 0 Steve Lockley

Albert Easton ½ v ½ Janet Evans

June Evans ½ v ½ Greg Goold

Dennis Thomas 1 v bye 0

Congratulations go to Ian Jones. He was the unbeaten winner over 5 rounds and conceded only a draw in the last round. He takes home the trophy that he shared last year and his name now appears on it five times. The first in 1995.

Total scores for each player were as follows:

Name Grade Total Prize

Ian Jones 2000 4.5 1st

Peter Bevan 1965 4 Joint 2nd

Moss McCarthy 1950 4 Joint 2nd

Andrew Smith 1662 3.5 Under 1800

David Toner 1500 3

Bill Flew 1346 3 Under 1500

Paul Bevan 1332 3 Under 1350

Joel Chung 1171 3 Under 1200

Tony Goodchild 1345 2.5

John Davies 1281 2.5

Joe Spooner 1101 2.5

Sean Denton 1407 2

Daniel Chung 1261 2

Dennis Thomas 1062 2

Albert Easton 1400 1.5

Steve Lockley 1203 1.5

Greg Goold 1173 1.5

June Evans 1006 1.5

Janet Evans 862 1.5
