
Morriston E Win Division 3 and the Tom Hughes Trophy

By admin · 22-Aug-2024

Division 1

The battle to avoid relegation is no nearer a resolution in spite of two critical matches played this week. Morriston A, fighting for third place, were obviously not in any mood to go easy on their B team club mates even though the B team is staring relegation in the face. A 4½-½ win for the A team kept them in third spot and contributed towards the B team moving to the bottom of the table. The other critical match saw White Knights C travel to Tonna to face the Emperors. The Knights turned up a player short but in spite of this managed their third win of the season and went home the victors (3½-1½ in favour of the Knights). Just 1 point now separates the bottom three teams. The one other Division 1 match played was an inter-club affair between White Knights A and B, with the B team hoping for some sort of result to keep them in touch with Morriston A. Yet again, however, it was a case of the A team showing no mercy towards their B team. The 4-1 win for the Knights' A team allowed Morriston A to open a 2 point gap in the fight for third spot.

Division 2

In Division 2 the struggle to avoid relegation was thrown wide open when UK Merlins defeated Morriston C 3-2 and leapfrogged BF Giants in the process. The following night White Knights D were then bundled into the mix when they were defeated 1½-3½ away to Bluebell. However, BF Giants with three losses in a row now need to get a result of sorts from their last two matches if they are to stand any chance of avoiding Division 3 and the other teams will be watching their progress (or lack of it) with interest.

Division 3

Just the one match in Division 3 but it was enough to give Morriston E the title. And they didn’t even play! Second placed Morriston D travelled to Sketty for the second time this season to take on De la Beche B and were no doubt thinking that a second victory would keep them in touch with their compatriots in the E team. No such luck, however, as De la Beche well and truly gained their revenge with an impressive 4½-½ victory. The result means that Morriston E are now 4 points ahead of Morriston D and cannot be caught as both teams have just one fixture each left.

KO Cup Competitions

The Under 1800 and Under 1400 sections are at the semi-final stage with all but one of the matches still to be played. The one exception was the Under 1400 semi featuring the University and Morriston E. Played on the 29th March it was a clear cut victory for the University (3-1) and they will now go forward into the final scheduled to take place on the 16th May.

The matches still to be played are:

De la Beche B v CN Tribunes (Under 1400)

CN Senators v White Knights C (Under 1800)

BF Nidum v White Knights B (Under 1800)

In contrast to the League individuals are not allowed to play for more than one team in the same section.

1 Views - Last updated: 22/08/24
